The Puzzle Authentication Scheme
Using ed25519 signatures for authenticating HTTP requests.
▽Apr. 1, 2021|Bernhard Kauer
1. Motivation
Every request to the backend needs to be authenticated by the client. Traditional password-based schemes like HTTP Basic or Digest Authentication are too weak for a payment API. Cryptographically stronger approaches like HMAC require a shared secret, that must be kept secure on both ends, while still be usable frequently. This seems to be a problem hard to solve for a distributed backend system.
We therefore employ a public-key signature scheme, where the private key never leaves the device it was generated on. With a previous registered public key, the backend can still verify, that a certain request comes from a particular user and that the request parameters were not tampered with.
We have chosen to build upon ed25519 signatures, since they are:
- fast to calculate,
- easier to implement securely than RSA, and
- widely supported.
A good description of ed25519 can be found in RFC 8032. This document even includes example code and test vectors. It is, however, strongly advised to reuse an existing library like libsodium, as subtle bugs can easily undermine the whole security of the system.
2. Authorization Header
We define a new HTTP authorization method with the following format:
The pzl
part distinguish it from other authorization
methods like Basic authentication. This is followed by comma-separated
list of parameters.
According to RFC735, there can be white-space around the comma, but there must be none between the key-value pairs.
2.1 Limiting the validity: time
The mandatory time
parameter defines the duration the
signature is valid. The value START
is given as a Unix
timestamp. These are seconds since 1970 in the UTC time zone. The
is indicated in seconds as well. An example would
This means this signature is not valid before
Wed May 20 18:40:00 2020
and not valid after
Wed May 20 18:40:59 2020
The duration should be carefully chosen by the client according to the use case. Sometimes ten seconds might be fine to do a single API call. Days or even weeks might be needed, if the signature gives the right to download a file, for instance.
Individual signatures cannot be invalidated, even if a security incident occurred. Instead, all existing signatures must be revoked in this case by installing a new public key.
2.2 Supporting multiple devices: key
The backend supports multiple public keys per user to enable
multi-device access to the same user account. The optional
parameter selects one of these keys. An example would
If this parameter is not given, the default key is used instead. This
would currently be the key named x1
, which is created
together with the user account.
2.3 Including other headers: add
The client chooses additional header fields that are covered in the
signature by including them in the optional add
Header fields that are mentioned but not found in the request are
assumed to be empty strings.
Names are separated by a plus sign. This avoids quoting the values. The colon in the HTTP/2 request pseudo header fields will be replaced by a dash.
If the parameter is not given, the following value is assumed:
This means, that only the request method and request path are
normally included in a signature. This is enough for all read-only
requests. Omitting the add
parameter is also a secure
choice for all requests that require a JSON body, as the content type is
explicitly verified by the backend.
Neither the method nor the path of a request have to be included in the signature. This enables wild-card signatures that cover a whole service or all methods on a certain resource.
2.4 The resulting signature: sig
The mandatory sig
parameter defines the message
signature encoded as base64 in the URL-safe
version. This includes the 62 alphanumeric characters plus
underscore and dash. The padding with
signs is optional. The whole parameter is therefore
between 90 and 92 characters long.
A valid example would be:
The sig
header must not be the first parameter in the
authorization, to simplify the server-side implementation.
3. Calculating the Signature
The signature is calculated using the authorization header, additional request headers and the body of the message. All of these parts are joined together with newlines. There is no extra newline at the end of the body.
A minimal message to sign consists of the following 29 characters:
pzl time=1590000000+10\nGET\n/\n
Since there is no body, the empty string is assumed and the message to sign therefore ends with a newline. The resulting authorization header might look like this:
Authorization: pzl time=1590000000+10, sig=e9FThuTIVBILqKBQeVCrsKcUJ-ADi1SNkju3zf3Sh7-cMzoNTIPtAt_hPyln4myNlRvFePGxNyntJqZjAXm_CA
3.1 Including a body
If the HTTP request has a body, it must be added to the end of the message.
pzl time=1590000000+10\nPOST\n/endpoint\nHello World
The authorization header will be the same as above, except for a different signature.
3.2 Protecting header fields
If one wants to upload a file, the content-type should be included in the signature. Assume the following request:
POST /endpoint
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Length: 11
Hello World
If the non-default key x5
is used as well, the message
to sign will look like this:
pzl time=1590000000+10, key=x5, add=-method+-path+content-type\nPOST\n/endpoint\ntext/plain\nHello World
The additional header names are not included in the message. They are
already part of the add
parameter. A corresponding
header would be:
Authorization: pzl time=1590000000+10, key=x5, add=-method+-path+content-type,
Neither the key
nor the add
parameter are
usually required.
3.3 Security considerations
The authorization header is always included in the signature. This ensures that the header names can be safely omitted and that changes of this specification will not lead to security risks for older implementations.
Including the body in the signature is mandatory. To avoid various
corner cases, it is added after all the headers. In requests like
, that do not need a body, an empty entry is still
There might be an extension to this specification in the future, that
introduces an omit-body
parameter to relax this
4. Example code
Implementing the code that generates digital signatures can be a hard
task, as the smallest bug leads to a signature invalid
response without any further indication where the bug might be. In this
section we therefore show a step-by-step calculation that should make
this programming task easier.
The following example utilizes the PyNaCl library in version 1.3.0 on top of Python v3.7.
4.1 Generating the keys
from nacl.signing import SigningKey
from nacl.encoding import URLSafeBase64Encoder
# change this to 1 to generate a novel key
if 0:
privkey = SigningKey.generate()
# use an example key for reproducable results
privkey = SigningKey("0XExclimMcQUTuPb93HU5vCxi-WFYfJ0R0-74_kz6ds=", encoder=URLSafeBase64Encoder)
print("priv:", privkey.encode(URLSafeBase64Encoder).decode())
print("pub:", privkey.verify_key.encode(URLSafeBase64Encoder).decode())
4.2 Defining the message
# message
method = "GET"
path = "/"
body = "{}"
headers = {"content-type": "application/json"}
# the authentication parameters
start = 1590000000
duration = 10
add = "-method+-path+content-type"
key = "x2"
# combine into a preliminary authorization header
authorization = f"pzl time={start}+{duration}, key={key}, add={add}"
4.3 Calculating the signature
# add all items together
items = (authorization, method, path, headers.get("content-type"), body)
# convert the list into multi-line bytes
message = "\n".join(items).encode()
# Calculate the signature
signature = privkey.sign(message, encoder=URLSafeBase64Encoder).signature.decode()
# Add the signature to the authorization header.
authorization += ", sig=" + signature
print("Authorization:", authorization)
4.4 Full output
The example code generates the following output:
priv: 0XExclimMcQUTuPb93HU5vCxi-WFYfJ0R0-74_kz6ds=
pub: ugx7f8f2JIqXjlxyhZcPk_Tgkc1reR_YBrKijRzAaHg=
pzl time=1590000000+10, key=x2, add=-method+-path+content-type
b'pzl time=1590000000+10, key=x2, add=-method+-path+content-type\nGET\n/\napplication/json\n{}'
Authorization: pzl time=1590000000+10, key=x2, add=-method+-path+content-type, \
5. Python example code
We use the following function to calculate our signatures. The example utilizes the PyNaCl library in version 1.3.0 on top of Python v3.7, as well.
import time
from nacl.encoding import URLSafeBase64Encoder
def calc(signkey, method, path, keyname, body=b'', *, other_headers={}, header_to_sign=[], timestamp=0, duration=60):
authorization = b'pzl time=%d+%d'%(timestamp or time.time(), duration)
if keyname:
authorization += b',key=' + keyname
if header_to_sign:
authorization += b',add=%s'%(b'+'.join(header_to_sign))
header_to_sign = header_to_sign or (b'-method', b'-path')
message = [authorization]
for header in header_to_sign:
if header == b'-method':
elif header == b'-path':
message.append(other_headers.get(header, b''))
signature = signkey.sign(b'\n'.join(message), encoder=URLSafeBase64Encoder).signature
res = other_headers.copy()
res[b'authorization'] = authorization + b',sig=' + signature.rstrip(b'=')
return res
6. Related work
6.1 HTTP signatures
The most similar approach we have found in our research are HTTP signatures. These are documented in an internet draft. Originally published in 2013, this document is still work in progress, even after the 12th iteration.
There are many syntactical differences to our approach:
- we do not include the header names, but hash all signature parameters
- we do not lowercase the method
- we encode the signatures in the URL-safe variant of base64
- we use
instead of thecreated
parameters - we reuse the HTTP/2 pseudo-headers
instead of(request-target)
We have made a few things compulsory:
- all signature parameters must be hashed
- the body is always included
- a validity range must always be specified
On the other hand, the key name is optional, as we can often easily derive it from the request path.
6.2 AWS signature
AWS defines its own authentication scheme. They construct the authorization header from the key URL, a list of headers, and the signature.
Compared to us, they:
- only support HMAC style authentication,
- include the algorithm in the method - we derive them from the key,
- encode the signature in hex - we use URL-safe base64, and
- use the semicolon as separator which seems to violate RFC7235.